Friday 2 March 2007

OWB PARIS Problems

So far these are some of the OWB PARIS problems/bugs I have come across since started using it. This problems are happening when exports are made on a 64 bit windows machine into a 32 bits windows machine:

- You change a process flow and deploy it, but it does not behave as the diagram shows.
- Redo the entire process flow from scratch. A clue to the fact that the process flow will not behave in the same way as the diagram shows is to check the outgoing flows from a node. If the are the same numbers in <> it means there is a problem. Something that OWB should validate itself but thats the way OWB PARIS is at the moment.

Note: Work Flow Manager Client can show the errors on the process flow.

- The columns to merge on are not set properly when mappings are imported from another OWB installation.
- Reset the merge columns correctly again.
or Create the package in production only.

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